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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

in the city

In the beginning I said I would show you everything. I will! Some of my favorite things in the new apartment, to start. But first, a not-so-favorite thing:

What the HELL is this this?! I found it in the bathtub a few mornings ago, having trouble climbing out. And if it couldn't climb out, I sure hope that means it fell in from the side of the tub and didn't plop out of the faucet. G-ROSS! Anyways, the following can be found Up The Stairs:

Happy thoughts


Secrets and a tiny spoon pin

Hand forged scissors

This corner

These pretties

This project

Various thrills in the kitchen...

... and this view of downtown from a window on the second floor.


Can't stop listening to this lil ditty on repeat:


  1. I like how the price tag is still on the scissors! Thanks for showing me the blog, I heart reading it!

  2. OMG I did not even know you had a blog but this is the raddest way that all the world can be exposed to the magic incredibleness that is Nichar.

    Also I recognize that livin' little cutie at the top of yr it still totally alive? Mine is growing like hotcakes & I'm almost afraid to look in there, like it might be producing a second tiny earth inside of a peanut butter jar!


Tell me all about it! <3

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