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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

in nature

Outside! I love being outside, and honestly haven't been there enough this (past?) summer. I managed to get TWO! white water trips in this year (Day 1: White Salmon, Day 2: Deschutes) but only made it to the beach ONCE, and that was simply not enough. Mt. Hood was had on two occasions, one more fortunate than the other, though I do hope to make it up to Trillium Lake again when the temperature climbs back into the high seventies ('cause it's gonna do that, right?!). Still to come: a sailboat on the Willamette, and hopefully an afternoon crabbing at Rockaway Beach.

Josh and I went camping up near Mt. Hood. Our campsite had THIS amazing feature! Lucky us! On the real though. When we rolled in at 8PM we got a fire going in this rustic beauty and enjoyed some Lindeman's, mushroom brie, crackas and other goodies by firelight. What a treat!

@ Trillium Lake

Maria had never seen the Pacific Ocean. We figured it would be a nice backdrop for some sunflowers. AND OURSELVES.

Marry me!

I miss you already!


  1. look how cute you and maria are! and i love all of the secret things in the pictures like secret josh legs and secret katy/nichole photobooth time...

    - guess who! (ok, you got me, its tar tar binks)

  2. TAR TAR! Haha seeeeeeecrets. Thanks for coming here and spying all the hidden treasures!


Tell me all about it! <3

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